Manchester: Building the campaign, planning for action Thurs 01 February, 1800 – 2000, Cross St Chapel

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  • 29th January 2018 Create Date
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Building the campaign, planning for action

Thursday 1st February

People are being taken from our communities and locked up in prison-like detention centres, without time limit, with no idea of when they might be released. Not for having committed a crime – They just don’t have the correct immigration papers. This is unacceptable. Detention has to end.

Following the Greater Manchester campaign launch in November 2017, this meeting will get down to planning local action to challenge detention and build the campaign.

We have a LOT of ideas already, and people are ready to take action. All we need now is… YOU!

With representatives from migrant communities, unions, universities, faith communities, activist groups and community groups, we will be making concrete plans for how we as a community are going to challenge detention – and we want you to join us! This meeting will be focussed on action planning, so please come along if you want to be part of the grassroots movement in Greater Manchester against detention.


Thursday 1st February
6.00pm – 8.00pm

Cross Street Chapel
Cross Street
Manchester, M2 1NL

The workshop is free and unticketed, and open to all. However, you can really help us out by registering in advance, so that we have a better idea of numbers. Please register via the form online:

If you are unable to attend the action meeting but would like to get involved, please:

  1. Endorse the campaign by signing the These Walls Must Fall Declaration at
  2. Contact Lauren the North-West Campaigns Coordinator to find out how you can get involved:

Please circulate to your networks.


Lauren Cape-Davenhill

Campaigns Coordinator, These Walls Must Fall (North West)

Right to Remain


Please note I work part-time and may not be able to respond to emails immediately.

For urgent issues, contact me on 07554 445680.

Manchester Quakers
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