Loving Earth Project: Manchester Textile Exhibition: Friday 28 October to Saturday 26 November 2022


The last few days to see it will be from Monday 21 November until Saturday 26 November at the following venues:

  • Manchester Central Library daily (9am-8pm Monday-Thursday; 9am-5pm Friday and Saturday);
  • Manchester Quaker Meeting House, and St Ann’s Church (12-4pm) on Wednesday 23rd, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November;
  • Methodist Central Hall (12- 4pm) on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th;
  • St Mary’s Church (The Hidden Gem) on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th November (1.00-4.30pm)
  • In the windows of Cross Street Chapel (daily).


Manchester Quakers will be holding a follow-up session to the exhibition at Central Manchester Quaker Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS (opposite back of Library) on Wednesday 7 December 2022 from 11am until 3pm. This will offer the chance:

  • to join a workshop making a textile panel (using materials we will provide);
  • to find out more about Quakers;
  • to reflect on the ‘Loving Earth’ exhibition and the ‘Loss and Damage’ fund that COP27 have been discussing and environmental concerns;
  • to do all of these things.

There will be two rooms in which to meet. One will be mainly for cutting, sewing and gluing textile panels but may, of course, involve talking about all the things mentioned above. The other room will be for those not making textile panels who wish to reflect on things without that activity in the background. But you can move between both rooms and the activities that are in there as you wish.

There is no need to book, but it would be helpful if we had some idea of numbers. To let us know you are coming, please email admin@manchesterquakers.org.uk


The Loving Earth Project was initiated by the Quaker Arts Network, for a group art exhibition called ‘Seeking Routes’ at Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston, in 2019. After that exhibition, the project was developed further with more groups making panels and with exhibitions from summer 2021. And there were six different displays in Glasgow for COP26. The project is open to all comers, but continues to be held by Quaker Arts Network. See http://lovingearth-project.uk/ for more information, and http://lovingearth-project.uk/test-gallery/ for more pictures of textile panels.

Manchester Quakers
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